Hey 🙂 You’ve just stumbled across a hidden gem in southern Oregon, full of great people that train hard, and get insane results.
I usually attract 3 type of people..
* #1 If you’ve never trained before and want crazy confidence in YOURSELF where you KNOW you can defend yourself in any situation, then you’ve found the right place.
* #2 If your after sweating your butt off and changing your health, losing weight and getting stronger then you’ve found the right place.
* #3 Life Long Martial Artist who probably are already a Black Belt. Seem to love this place because they have previous experiences and compare the training they had to what we have.. and they love us.
If you fit into those categories I’d love to meet you!

By the way, I am Jack : ) The owner of “Dojo Strong” 💪 which is Medford Oregon Highest Quality Self Defense Dojo. In this dojo we also have a huge focus on our Dojo Family, Health and Strength Training all under one roof.
I am totally in love ❤️ with martial arts. I’ve been training for 37 years!
Maybe you’ve heard of me… (I joking tell my wife I am quite popular online 😂 ). I accidentallybecame famous when I started sharing some of what we do in the dojo.. I’ve had millions and millions of views and currently have over 54,000 followers. I do NOT say this to brag, but to show proof about how many people love ❤️ what we do in this dojo.
Want to train? Or want your kids to train? We currently have a waiting list. If you’d like to apply to the dojo click the link below.