Wait Till The End of The Video

Miss Tiani Can’t Hide The Truth… lol

Thanks Aeriel and Jonny Mack for helping Tiani Drill!

PS. If you are interested in training and want to get results, I can guarantee them. 

I recommend you sign up for our trial… just a friendly heads up… I do have a waiting list… The good news is one of my students is moving so I will have 1 opening!!!

 “If your interested in getting personal 1-on-1 instruction, that fit your needs, on your schedule and get you the result you want while having fun, making friends, learning cool stuff I highly recommend you call us at 541-608-2848. 

plus I have a CRAZY guarantee. 

Its Called “I love Strangling my New Friends”… 

….Basically  “if by the end of your trial, you don’t have so much fun strangling and Jitsu-ing your new friends, learning cool new skills, getting a gnarly workout and laughing while you do it, Ill 100% refund your money even after investing 3 days of my life into you…. if you aint’ happy, I ain’t happy. And I will only keep your money if your happy”

Sounds pretty damn fair to me go ahead and call 541-608-2848 to be put on the wait list.”

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