The Best Kids Karate In Medford Oregon
So I was a kid lucky enough to grow up in a dojo.. Before I tell you “my story” I’d like to share some of the kids experiences that I’ve helped in this dojo.. NOTE: (some of these kids started when they were 4 years old and STILL train with me in their 20’s)
If you’ve gotten this far, that’s awesome. I’d love to share my story with you. I grew up in a dojo where the head instructor vocally said he didn’t like training kids and preferred adults. (who saids that?) It’s insane. Kids are absolutely amazing. Now I am a father of 3 bad a$$ ninja kids so maybe I am biased. But, my point for bringing this up, is since I heard that teacher say he doesn’t like teaching kids….I always wanted to be a great sensei to “kids AND adults!”
its a fact…if your kids train in a GREAT dojo, they will learn so many life skills about: respect, self-defense, nutrition, loyalty, confidence and discipline.

Kids Karate Medford Oregon