And another one… the dojo changes lives (like clock work)
Everyone loves a good “”before and after” photo.
So here you go! (Even though Shawn’s transformation has just started! He’s already kickin a$$)
What’s interesting is I showed this photo to a couple people and they said wow! Who’s that)
The “who’s that” surprised me… (but) it makes since! Shawn was on our waitlist for 2 years… and just got in 3 months ago! So if you haven’t meet Shawn yet! It’s because he’s brand spanking new.
Anyways… dude, I’m super proud of you! You’ve turned your life around and are a brand new person.
If your interested in training I’d love to help and I guarantee you’ll kick the crap out of your goals!
(The only issue) is my schedule has been full going on the last 3 years.
If your interested get on the waitlist and as soon as a spot opens I’d love to help!
To get on the waitlist just Visit the site Medfordoregonkungfu dot com and just fill out the form.