Tag Archives: bully defense medford oregon

Are Your Kids Bully Ready?

“SUSAN IS BULLY READY… Can Your Kids Do This?”

Susan, is just amazing girl! She’s, Persistent, fun to be around, and just gives it her all!

Susan, mom.. Rhonda called me and told me she wanted to give her child the skills to protect herself. Because she’s worried about her Kid being bullied or even worse…

…Rhonda went on to tell me how it doesn’t matter how hard you try… but you as a parent you CAN’T always be there for your child.  Rhonda went on to tell me how much the Martial arts meant to her and that she wants her daughter to have those same skills… Fast Forward a year and Susan is just rocking it..

Super proud of her. She just got her Red belt! Congrats Susan.

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Before you call us to Try our Bully Program, Check out what other people are saying about us by CLICKING HERE.