#1 thing I’ve seen in common from all the success we’ve had in the dojo over the past 21 years.
(It’s a biggy)
P.s. i am very proud of all my private 1-on-1 students you guys are a walking testimonial of what can be achieved.
Here’s another testimonial… Kelley Lathrop messaged me a couple days ago this and I thought I’d share it as it could help others.
So what’s the #1 thing all success have in common?s
They put themselves first.
Not their kids.
Not their wife or husband or gf or bf.
Not their work.
They put themselves first…
Sounds rude and unkind…
…But if your NOT healthy mentally and physically… you will not be on point for any other aspects of your life.
you won’t be their at the highest level for your kids, wife or work and it will suck.
So the fastest way to fail is to put yourself second..
Heck Ive had 2 people just this week.say they would like to start in September… (guess what September will never come.)
There will always be something that will come in front of you if you let it.
The best thing you can do is put yourself 1st today.
And watch what happens. Your world literally will change.
If you can put yourself 1st I’d love to rock your world… I promise crazy results and I am damn confident because I’ve done it 100’s of times.
If your looking to meet cool new friends, lose weight, build strength confidence and speed all while learning some bada$$ self defense moves I highly recommend you do our 100% risk free trial.
Just fill out the form online www.MedfordOregonKungFu.com/2spots
Or If you’d like to text us you can. (please provide your full name & why you want to train” go ahead and copy this into your text.
Text Us at 541-821-1532
#1 “HI, my name is: (Full name) and “I want to train because _________”